Friday, 2 September 2016

Measurement of temperature and light intensity using LM 35 & TEMT6000 and perform the data logging.


  • Acquire data from LM 35 IC temperature sensor and TEMT6000 light intensity sensor using NI USB 6008 DAQ and LabVIEW.
  • Calibrate the data in terms of Celsius and Lux for LM35 and TEMT6000 respectively. 
  • Give the file name and log the data as a text file in the format shown below. 
  • Design the front panel as per the fig shown below:

Apparatus Required:
  • LM 35 temperature sensor.
  • TEMT 6000 Light intensity sensor
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper wires
  • NI USB 6008 multi-function DAQ


  • Connect the LM35 sensor with the DAQ as per the diagram shown above.
  • And connect the TEMT6000 light intensity sensor like this with the DAQ but connect the Sig pin to any other AI port.
  • Connect the USB cable of DAQ to one of the USB ports of the PC.
  • Open the LabVIEW, right click over the block diagram and take DAQ asst from express vi function palate.
  • Configure the DAQ Asst to acquire analog voltage, from both the channels simultaneously, of range 0-5V in RSE mode with sample on demand.
  • In the block diagram use split signal function to get individual data.
  • The sensitivity of LM 35 is 10mV/C. calibrate the voltage to get temperature in degree Celsius directly.
  • For TEMT6000 Light sensor the out put current in uA is 100 times the acquired voltage. And the relation between the current and illuminance is shown as a graph in fig below:

  • From the graph calibrate the current in terms of Illuminance in Lux.
  • Use a Log button to log the data in a text file as per the following format.

Temperature in Celsius
Illuminance in Lux

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